Light questions for practice. Exam 2: 4/16

Optics questions - answers below

Remember - no class on 4/9/18.
Exam 2 on 4/16/18

1.  Review the concept of reflection, particularly the law of reflection.  Draw what happens when a light ray hits a mirror at various angles.

2.  Review the concept of refraction:  what it is, what causes it, what happens during it, under what circumstances does light bend, etc.  Draw what happens when a light ray hits a block of transparent plastic at various angles.  

3.  Show how to calculate the wavelength of WTMD's signal (89.7 MHz).

4.  Some questions related to how light is affected by optics.



  1. Interesting post! My daughter’s exams are also around the corner but she is also planning to start the Bar Review Courses for her law entrance exam. I am helping her with academic assignments and therefore, I am glad I came across this wonderful post.


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